
Showing posts from October, 2014

Easy Meditation Updated

Most of us can hardly focus because we are lost in thinking and imagining. We are lost in our distractions. Perhaps you have noticed this yourself.  We are distracted and  not centered, so when problems arise, instead of solving them, we get lost in worries, doubts and fears. The unfinished business combined with feeling off balance and out of control leads to anxiety. The fact is that most of us are lost in thinking and imagining. We are lost in our distractions. Many times when I am at Starbucks or at the library I see someone who comes in to study. He or she pulls out a textbook or notebook and begins to study, but after about 5 minutes, s/he inevitably reaches for the mobile device and begins scrolling for text messages or emails. It is for this reason that I recommend beginning with the meditation available here. If you cannot study or focus properly, constantly reaching for your iPhone to check text messages or constantly lost in your music or video games

An Easy Meditation

Hello, this is Roland. Welcome. Here is the Easy Meditation. It is a wonderful little meditation exercise to help you get centered, banish negative thoughts, and get control of your emotions. Want an app? Click here to get the Easy Meditation App